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Improve the Quality of the Most Important Nutrient – Water

The use of Oxy Blast ® hydrogen peroxide for beef cattle production is a very important “tool” to improve the quality of the most important nutrient – water. Water is the most quantitative nutrient of the body in any species. Water consumption always determines dry matter feed intake. Water plays many major roles in all of the body’s normal functions.

The amount of Oxy Blast to be used in the drinking water for growing and finishing beef cattle ranges from 50 to 100 PPM. The best and most consistent results are achieved at 75 to 100 PPM. For new incoming cattle to the feedlot with challenges from stress, a higher pulse rate of two
times normal rate is very helpful for the first week to 10 days. The same amounts apply to beef cows in the dry lot.

For back-grounding cattle which are usually on pasture, we usually cannot add Oxy Blast economically and effectively to the dug-out or pond water source. The best water source would be treated water with Oxy Blast pumped to the pasture location whenever possible. Always get the water analyzed to determine the correct amount of Oxy Blast to be used most effectively and economically.

The benefits from the proper use of Oxy Blast are the same for any age or stage of production in
beef cattle. Here are a few of those benefits:

  • Cattle drink more water when treated with Oxy Blast to help them meet their daily water requirement
  • Growing and finishing cattle show consistently higher and more even feed intake with less ups and downs. The use of Oxy Blast resulted in improved average daily gains (ADG) ranging from 0.25 to 0.71 lb./day increase. The resulting return on investment (ROI) speaks for itself. These results are based on field trials and real feedlot facilities with the same type of cattle, housing, management, and feeding program. Better ADG results in a more profitable bottom line.
  • The water system and drinking toughs and fountains stay clean and fresh.

Oxy Blast is a multi-function product with proprietary formulation to achieve consistent and economical results for beef cattle of all ages.

Two Cattle Trials Run With Oxy Blast

Test #1


Two groups of 400 head of steer calves were put on the test. One group was on rural
water with no Oxy Blast while the other group was on well water with 100 PPM of Oxy
Blast. The well water was high in iron, TDS & sulfates. The cattle on the well water have
never performed as well as the cattle on the rural water – usually .6 of a lb./head/day
less on the well water.


The trial ended up dead even as far as daily gain was concerned proving that the Oxy
Blast in the well water made up the .6 of a lb. of gain/head/day difference. After you
subtract the cost of Oxy Blast there was a $54.77/head advantage using Oxy Blast.

Test #2


A farm where Oxy Blast was tested on some feedlot cattle had two new hoop barns, one
year old. This was only the second group of cattle that went through them. They were
very similar cattle, from same source, same feeding program, same bedding material,
same management, and the same water source from the well. The water was high in
TDS, iron and sulfates. They had excellent management and equipment use. The only
difference was the addition of 100 PPM of Oxy Blast injected in the water line on the test
barn. There were 360 head of cattle on feed for 140 days on both the test and control


The test group with Oxy Blast in their water gained an additional 100 lbs over the control
barn. This is a 0.71 lb./head/day additional daily gain for the test barn cattle. With cattle
worth $1.05/lb. that makes the extra weight worth $105. Subtract the cost of the Oxy
Blast at $11.20 ($.08/hd/day x 140 days) will leave you an extra $93.80/head profit!
This sheet was prepared by Dr. Peter Franzky, nutritionist for Essential Water Solutions
Inc. If you have questions about it, Dr. Franzky can be reached at 605-651-9190.