Overview of Oxy Blast Benefits For Livestock, Poultry & Residences
Oxy Blast is a water treatment product that starts with a contaminant-free hydrogen peroxide, adds an additional stabilizer beyond what the peroxide manufacturer puts in and includes a proprietary formula that is exclusive to our market. Oxy Blast can help in four areas:
- Oxy Blast will help clean up water contaminants such as sulfur (hydrogen sulfide gas or a rotten egg smell), manganese, and iron bacteria. It will also oxidize iron to put it in a form that makes it easier to filter out. With our companion product CSP added to the drum of Oxy Blast, we can also help with high sulfates, high TDS, high calcium, high magnesium, high conductivity and hard water. High pH is lowered with another companion product called PC-7 while a third companion product, Grolyte, will also help with high pH and balance out high sodium levels.
- Oxy Blast can strip away the bio film inside the piping caused by iron, iron bacteria and other water contaminants. This can take several weeks to several months depending on the amount of bio film present.
- Our customers look to reduce or eliminate their antibiotic use, improve daily gains and feed efficiency with their meat-type animals even though we cannot make any claims. Our customers also tell us they notice less odors from their confinement operation when using Oxy Blast.
- The combination of all the above Oxy Blast benefits has helped animals to consume more water, which leads to more feed consumption and eventually producers look for better daily gains, higher milk production or more egg production. Again, we cannot make any health claims to say we can improve production.
To date, Oxy Blast has been sold to over 10,000 customers worldwide. Because we have on staff the assistance of such professionals as a water physiologist, a nutritionist, a veterinarian and a water filtration company, we feel there are virtually no problems in the well water industry we can’t tackle.